Hey! I'm Quinephelis/Quinio.

Multimedia artist, internet explorer, dork.

I remember first getting access to internet. Like many other people on here, I spent hours and hours playing weird flash games. As I got older, I started joining all sorts of online communities (most notable is emocore, which is still around, and where I met my boyfriend 5 years ago.). For some reason, I've always found it hard to be social while online, but I still love the feeling of being in an online community. When the internet stopped being personal, I found it even harder to express myself.

My first run-in with coding was on an online community called lunarstorm, where you could do some suuuuper basic html.

Lunarstorm avatars. lunarstorm avatars Eventually, as a melancholic teenager, I moved on to tumblr. I never really understood coding though, and wasn't particularily interested in it besides slightly adjusting theme templates.

However, the thing I am most nostalgic over is msn messenger. There was just something about being able to talk to my close friends privately. I was an extremely cringe emo teenager, using xXyouaremyheroineXx as my username and putting lyrics as a status message. I stumbled onto Neocities about a year ago but for some reason I clicked off it after clicking through just a couple of websites. But over the following year, my frustration over not being able to have a space of my own grew. I've gronw tired of not customizing my space and not expressing ME. And since I've been online for as long as I could, it felt natural when I eventually stumbled back onto neocities to start creating my own website!

I started out with a theme and created this page.
Old starting page.
I like it, but after starting designing my diary page, I realized I just wanted something else, which is what I have now lol.

I know my experience is probably very similar to a lot of other people on here, which is nice. I think a lot of us are people that are extremely nostalgic over a time where the internet, and the world, seemed a lot more easy to handle. At least I am. I don't really know a lot of people irl to share this nostalgia with, which is alright, but I'm really really happy to have dicovered a place where I'm not alone in feeling this way. And also to be able to view so much creativity and self expression, something that seems to be dead on other places online.